"Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow."-Isaiah 1:17

Friday, January 21, 2011

Do we take the kids?

So my husband and I were discussing whether we should attempt to take the older 3 kids to Ethiopia with us for the 2nd trip. I know we have time to decide but we also know that means another couple of thousand extra (mainly airfare as lodging shouldn't change). I plan to talk with our agency and see what tips or ideas they have. I know it is a long trip, about 20 hrs long but I desire the kids to see how poor others are and how richly blessed we are. I want them to see that even though these people are living in poverty, that our God richly loves them the same as us. I want them to be thankful for things we take for granted such as clean running water. I want them to see the birthplace of their sister. I want to see God cultivate missions in their hearts and a desire to love the least of these by visiting a country that is in so dire need of God. The people of Ethiopia need to know that God loves them and is not punishing them. I want my kids to have a desire to help others that have less than them. I do believe that going to Africa, my children will see these things and it will become real and personal to them. I hope we can make it work for my children to experience all of this.

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